Magic Drink for Weight loss
When it comes to weight loss, we can see a number of people around us struggling with the question- What is the best and easiest way? Home remedies are always an easy answer because they tend to have the least side effects on our bodies. Jeera/cumin water is one such solution.
Jeera/cumin is very easily available in Indian households because it is an important spice added in most Indian dishes (e.g., curries and rice). Along with the flavour that it adds to the food, it has a number of benefits. It provides a great solution for conditions like IBS, PCOS, bloating and weight loss.
For good results regarding weight loss, one has to maintain a balanced diet and be in calorie deficit, apart from adding this drink. Let’s have a look at the reasons why it is good for weight loss :-
- LOW CALORIE DRINK :- One does not have to worry about the daily calorie intake while consuming this drink as it is extremely low in calories. Only 7 calories are added on the consumption of one teaspoon of cumin seeds.It also helps to reduce hunger and craving for processed foods, automatically reducing the calorie intake.
- BETTER DIGESTION :- Jeera is most commonly used to cure indigestion. It is believed that cumin seeds increase the activity of digestive enzymes and proteins thus leading to better and faster digestive process. Cumin helps to increase the amount of bile being released from the liver, helping in digesting fats and many nutrients. Hence it reduces IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms.
- POWERHOUSE OF ANTIOXIDANTS :- Cumin seeds are packed with antioxidants. They are also a rich source of iron, vitamin A and C, copper and manganese. It also helps to get rid of the unwanted free oxygen radicals from our body.
- PREVENTS OBESITY :- It is scientifically known that obesity is a pro-inflammatory condition. Cumin seeds as mentioned above, are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Hence jeera water tends to prevent inflammation-induced obesity.
- DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY :- Jeera water (containing cumin, thymol, phosphorus) helps to get rid of the body’s toxins and thus detoxifying the body. It tends to boost the metabolism of the body because of its high content of vitamins and minerals. This leads to the burning of extra calories of the body.
One can make Jeera water in the following ways :-
- Overnight Soaked – Add 1-2 teaspoons of cumin seeds in about 250ml of water and leave it overnight. This leads to the release of all the nutrients of the cumin seeds into the water. In the morning, strain the water and drink it empty stomach. Soaking the cumin seeds in a copper vessel would be most effective.
- Boiled jeera water – Take 500ml of water in a pan and add 2 tea spoons of cumin seeds into it. Let it boil for few minutes. Switch off the flame and allow the seeds to steep into it, to ensure the jeera is properly infused into the water. Strain the water and drink this water lukewarm and empty stomach.
- Jeera water and cinnamon – Put 2 teaspoons of cumin seeds in 500 ml of water and leave it overnight. Next morning, add ground cinnamon to the jeera water and boil it for few minutes. Strain the water and drink this water lukewarm and empty stomach.
- Jeera water and lime – Add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds in about 250ml of water and leave it overnight. Next morning, strain the water and add lime juice to it. Stir well and it is ready to be consumed. One can also add honey to jeera water to enhance the taste.
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